Segovia Aqueduct and roast suckling pig  塞哥維亞古羅馬水道和烤乳豬

Segovia Aqueduct and roast suckling pig 塞哥維亞古羅馬水道和烤乳豬

6th September 2019 0 By livinguktaiwan

On a previous visit to Madrid, there was one day that I had an option to go to either Toledo or Segovia. From memory, both were about an hour away by train. In the end, I opted for Segovia, I think it had something to do with food (again!!) and the fact that it had a gorgeous  Segovia aqueduct.  This was another structure that left me in awe after the Lincoln Cathedral in UK.

前幾年到西班牙馬德里旅遊,其中有一天空檔想到市外走走。當時有兩個選擇包括托雷多古城和塞哥維亞, 兩個地點都乘坐大概一小時火車。 聽說塞哥維亞有古羅馬水道和美食, 吃貨的我又怎能錯過呢!

Segovia aqueduct


Mention Segovia, and I guess the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is the famous Aqueduct. Its a short bus ride from the train station which is located a bit out of the center of town. It’s not that far away, only 2.5km, certainly walkable especially on a good summer day like when I went. After I got off the train, all the tourist seems to be heading for the bus.  It seemed liked a no brainer to follow as I didn’t want to waste time wandering around town. Less than ten minutes later the bus arrived nearby the aqueduct. I didn’t have any expectation of the scale of the aqueduct.  My first impression was that it was just enormous. Yet from across the road, it looked a bit frail as if it may fall over with a gust of wind.

As I walked closer, then I understood why the aqueduct has been standing here for centuries, possibly since the first century. It was a remarkable piece of architecture. There are 36 semi-circular arches, and two levels of arches. The top level is much shorter than the lower level and the water used to channel across the top level. This was one structure that left me in gazing in awe, I felt so small and frail standing by it.

火車抵達塞哥維亞,大部分遊客都朝向車站乘坐公車到羅馬水道。 我也跟著人群走,其實走路的話也只是2.5公里。但人生路不熟,又只是一天遊,都是省一點時間好。

從遠處看,古羅馬水道有點弱不襟風,像骨牌會倒下來。當走到它腳下真的很壯觀! 歷史學家估計古羅馬水道在第一世紀已建成, 屹立多年真是很了不起。 水道由36個拱形建成,有兩層高。上面一層的拱形較矮小,而運水道就在頂部上面。 塞哥維亞這個名勝真是讓人看得嘆為觀止!

Segovia aqueduct

Segovia aqueduct


Remember the other reason I said I came to Segovia was because of food? I was reading that roast suckling pig was one of Segovia’s delicacy.  Hong Kong does some of the best roast suckling pig I’ve had. I was keen to see how the Spanish does theirs and compare notes between the two.  Lunch was at a restaurant which had very good reviews, and I waited eagerly for the food to be served…..

I don’t know if I had read some fake reviews, or my expectations were too high. Or because I was used to the roast suckling pig from Hong Kong which had crispy skin and succulent meat. The Segovia suckling pig, or this particular portion was quite watery, the skin was skin, I mean it wasn’t rubbery or anything, but there was nothing to shout about. The meat itself was tasty and that was about it. I think I’ll stick to Hong Kong style roast suckling pig. Sorry Spaniards! I love your aqueduct though!

到塞哥維亞另一個原因,是聞說它的烤乳豬很著名。 我很喜歡吃港式燒乳豬,皮脆肉嫩,非常美味。不知道塞哥維亞乳豬又如何呢? 我去了一間評價很高的餐廳午餐, 結果讓我有點失望。 我不知是否踩了地雷, 期待過高,還是習慣了港式燒乳豬。 塞哥維亞乳豬烤得沒有那麼乾身, 乳豬皮沒有港式乳豬的鬆脆,唯獨肉質也不錯。 整體來說比不上港式燒乳豬。

塞哥維亞一日遊, 古羅馬水道絕對是亮點。

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