武嶺美景Wuling beauty spot

武嶺美景Wuling beauty spot

27th November 2016 5 By livinguktaiwan

My good friend came to Taichung for holiday this week with her parents, and I went to Nantou with them.   I have often heard of Wuling but never made it there due to either bad weather or lack of time. This time we were very lucky.  Wuling is 3275m above sea level and is the highest point on any Taiwan highway.  As we were driving up there, there were no words to describe the satisfaction of seeing the clouds gradually drop beneath us , and by the time we arrived at Wuling, the scenery was absolutely mesmerizing.

My good friend and I met in UK but we have have now both returned to Asia.  It was very nice to spend two magnificent days with her and  her parents on this side of the world.

好朋友帶父母來台中旅行,跟他們一起到南投玩。包車的相熟司機包車的相熟司機經常提及武嶺,但每次不是天氣差,就是時間不夠,始終未有機會去。今次終於有機會! 那是台灣公路可以到達的最高點,海拔3275米。當天早上剛好天氣仍然很好,沿途上山時遙望雲層越來越低,到武嶺時我們已在雲海之上,實在很美。

