The Wall 一道牆

The Wall 一道牆

10th March 2017 1 By livinguktaiwan

In AD122 a Roman emperor arrived to England and ordered a wall to be built to keep out the barbarians。 Sounds familiar? ? The emperor was Hadrian and the wall is called the Hadrian’s Wall, the most famous frontier of the Roman empire in Britain today。 This is where we stayed after we left Edinburgh。

公元122年羅馬帝國一位君主來到英國時,命令人民建一道防衛牆以防止蠻夷入侵。這個命令大家最近也聽過類似的吧?? 這個君主是哈德良,而這道牆是哈德良長城,是現今英國最完整的古羅馬帝國城牆。我們離開愛丁堡後下一站就是這裏。Like most of our other accommodation, we stayed at a B&B which used to be an old telephony repeater station, hence its location in the middle of nowhere。 A lot of people nowadays walk or cycle along the entire 135km Hadrian’s wall which stretches east to west across England。 Of course, we didn’t have either the time nor the stamina to do this and opted to walk a small section so we could claim we’ve been there and done it! That day was quite wet and rainy,  we only walked a few miles to a nearby visitor center and then called the B&B owner who had kindly offered to pick us up back to the B&B to save us walking in the rain。
跟其他我們遊歴的地點一樣,我們在這裡也租住民宿。而這間民宿以前是一間電話交換機樓,所以方圓四周都沒有其他建築物。現在很多人都會沿著這一百三十五公里的哈德良長城,步行或踏單車從英國的東面走到西面。我們當然沒有這麽多時間及精力行畢全程,所以選擇在附近行了一小段長城,也總算是到此一遊過!那天天氣濕濕的,所以我們只走了幾公里到附近一個遊客中心,然後民宿主人非常熱心地說可以來接我們,不用在雨中再步行回去。Hadrian Wall was the last rural stop of our journey and next we continued back down south to our last two stops York and Oxfordshire, both which are famous beautiful locations in England。 It was Easter Friday when we arrived at York and the town was packed with people。 Also, the infamous British weather (rain!!) combined with tiredness starting to kick meant I hardly took any photos here。 So we headed off to our last and final stop Oxfordshire。 There are many beautiful little villages at the nearby Cotswold and we spent the Saturday village hopping at Burford, Bourton-on-the-Water (voted by many as one of the prettiest villages in England) and finally stopping at Stow-on-the-Wold for afternoon tea。
哈德良長城是我們英倫環島遊最後一個郊外地點,之後我們會到約克郡及牛津郡。兩處都是英國既著名又非常漂亮的地方。到達約克郡的約克城那一天剛好是復活節假期,所以市內很多人。加上英國聞名的天氣(下雨天)及我巳開始有少少疲倦,所以在約克我並沒有拍到什麼照片留念。跟著我們到達最後一站牛津郡。附近Cotswold 有很多很漂亮及別緻的小村莊,星期六那一天我們駕著車跳村,到Burford及 Bourton-on-the-Water (它被很多人譽為英國最漂亮的村莊),然後在Stow-on-the-Wold來一個傳統的英式下午茶。We celebrated our round the UK trip with dinner at a two Michelin stars pub called The Hands and Flowers, a booking that I had made a whole year ago! The pub is in Marlow, a lovely village on the River Thames around 53km west of London。
最後一晚我們去一間米芝蓮二星的餐廳 The Hands and Flowers,慶祝我們完成英倫環島遊。這一間餐廳,在一個叫做Marlow的小村莊,位於泰晤士河邊離開倫敦以西約有53公里。When I made the reservation, I had absolutely no idea what I would be doing a year later, and certainly had not thought that I would be quitting my job to leave the UK。 As it turns out, the timing couldn’t be more perfect to round off our three week road trip with a fantastic meal。

During the past few months I’ve written 7 blogs about my round the Isle road trip, and this is the last one in the series。 In my next blog, I will summarise all the information along with some facts and figure in case you are interested to go on a road trip yourself。

Stay tuned!

