The Oldies March 銀髮一族遊行

The Oldies March 銀髮一族遊行

18th July 2019 0 By livinguktaiwan

今天在臉書上看到朋友 Bryan 發的一篇文章,覺得非常有意思。得到他的同意分享到其他平台,又順便翻譯到英文,讓更多人可以了解香港最近發生的事 。中文版用廣東話寫,為保持原著沒有修改過。不懂廣東話的朋友都應該看得懂,希望大家也能感受到Bryan 在場的感受,和一班銀髮族為香港付出的一切。原文和照片均屬Bryan 擁有。

On 17 July, an oldies march was organised by the older generation in Hong Kong. This was for them to show their support to the recent protests for democracy and freedom in Hong Kong. The following is a post from my friend Bryan’s Facebook page. I have translated it to English and shared with his permission. All original text and photo belong to Bryan.

Note : In my translation, I have used oldies to describe the group of people in the march. This is by no means meant to be derogatory or a disrespect to them.

If you want to find out more about the recent protest in Hong Kong, you can read my previous posts here and here.

English Translation of the Oldies March

Today I went over to the Central Government Offices (CGO) after work to check out the oldies march. As I arrived at the Queensway Plaza footbridge, I was surprised to see so many oldies chanting as they were marching. In the previous marches, we may have only noticed the younger generation come out, and neglected this group of elderly supporters. When I saw there were so many of them, I felt this special emotion.

Then I walked to the footbridge outside Citic Tower to take some photos of the march. The majority were oldies, they kept on coming and coming. I wouldn’t say they came by the truckload, but I couldn’t see the end of the march.

After a while I followed the crowd over to the CGO and went down the stairs. There were some volunteers at the bottom of the stairs giving out cookies to the oldies, but they didn’t take them. I thought, you really need to do better guys. When the pro communist oldies came out marching, they all received a few thousand HK$ and supermarket gift vouchers!

I walked over to the CGO main entrance. There was a group of youngsters standing in a line bowing and thanking the oldies for their support. The oldies responded by telling them to keep up the good work. At this moment, all I could feel was love.


I continued to walk, and saw a grandma chatting to and hugging a young girl. Grandma was telling the girl to take care of herself and don’t get injured. It seems like they don’t know one another, yet grandma cared so much for the girl and wanted to make sure she was safe.

I lingered around for a while. There was a choir outside CGO singing the Chinese version of “Do you hear the people sing”. It seems no one is immune to the power of this song,  I felt something surging in my eyes.

I was immensely touched with what I saw today. Although they were oldies, they haven’t lost their marbles. Far from it. Everyone who came out to the march today have their head screwed on right. They didn’t stay at home to make dinner, or play with their grand kids or watch TV. Instead they came out on a hot summer evening to take part in the march. These people are the true parents of Hong Kong. Not Carrie Lam who claims she’s our mother.

I’m just a normal middle aged guy, and I want to salute and thank each and everyone of you oldies from the bottom of my heart for coming out to the march today.

As the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, her only contribution is to have made us all connected.








前前後後咁樣徘徊,政總門口企咗一啲人喺度唱改咗中文歌詞嘅 Do you hear the people sing。唔知點解對呢首歌真係冇抵抗力,雙眼開始忍唔住。




林鄭作為今屆香港政府特首,唯一最大嘅功勞就真係 made us all connected。