One Year 一年

3rd February 2017 2 By livinguktaiwan

I still remember that afternoon a year ago as I sat in the office with my manager. 我還記得一年前這個下午我和經理在辦公室裡。

It was a big office but not many people were around. Typical as we had a dispered team and a strong work from home culture.  After the handover I logged off my PC, something that I’d done for 1122 times already. But this time was different.  It would be the last time I would log off.  Inside me, I knew it would probably be the very last time I would log off any work PC. 辦公室很大,但通常都並不多人,因為大家都在不同地區工作,另外”在家上班”文化在我們公司也很普遍。跟經理交待工作完畢後,我登出公司的電腦。這動作我已做了1122次,但今次不同因為是最後一次。而我心裡也知道這可能也是我最後一次登出一部公司的電腦。

We sat for a while chit chatting (for the record, he’s one of the few best managers I’ve had, so I’m glad I finished off on the high), and then he walked me to the exit to let me out.  我們閒聊了一陣子(他是我遇過少數的好人經理,很慶幸能為我的辦公室生涯劃上美麗句號),最後他送我到大門離開。

At the car park, I turned around to take one last look at this building.  It was a beautiful day ~ not because I had left the corporate world at last, but because I was about to start a new life.在停車埸上我再次回望這大樓。那天很美~不是因為我終於離開商業世界,而是我將開展新生活。