My favourite cafes part 3  口袋裏的咖啡店 3

My favourite cafes part 3 口袋裏的咖啡店 3

4th October 2018 3 By livinguktaiwan

I’m back again with my next review of some of my favourite cafes in Taichung, Taiwan, and if you’ve missed my previous post you can check it out here.


AShare Cafe

Many Taiwanese like to go on a year’s working holiday, with Australia being the most popular country.  Apparently, even if you pick fruit on a farm for a whole year, you can earn multiple times your income in Taiwan.  The owners here spent time in Australia and also likes to travel.  Their cafe is all about sharing their travels and has bits and bots of interesting collection.  My favourite is the union jack suitcase. Need I say more?


台灣很多年青人都愛到外國打工旅行,尤其喜愛到澳洲。 聽說在澳洲打工一年的薪金有台灣的幾倍呢! 這家咖啡店的老闆也曾到澳洲打工旅行。店裏放滿不少旅遊的擺設。我尤其喜愛這個有英國國旗的行李箱。
AShare Cafe, Taichung Taiwan

Donate Cafe

From the name, you can tell that this isn’t a normal cafe.  This cafe organises a lot of volunteer events and when I was there, one of the guys was restoring old computers for people in need.  I think it might be run a bit like a social enterprise.  The best thing I liked about this cafe is the shop front.  I think it had a very European feel, very homely.


這裏除了是一家咖啡店外,還經常有義工為有需要人士開辦各類生身心健康的活動。以這個理念開辦㗎啡店,絕對是非常值得讚賞。 我到訪當天,還見到一位義工在翻新一代舊電腦,準備送給清貧小孩子用。 整家咖啡店我最喜愛就是大門口,一片大玻璃窗,很有歐洲feel。
Donate Cafe, Taichung Taiwan

Push Cafe

The first thing I noticed about this cafe when I entered was the sign that said Shalom and the Israeli flag.  Turns out the owner loves Israel, and has been going there for holiday for many years. I love the criss cross staircase at the back of the cafe.

推 咖啡

一進入咖啡店第一眼就看到一句猶太人的問好句子”你好”,和一面以色列國旗。 原來老闆娘很喜歡以色烈,多年來來往往旅遊多次。 咖啡店裏有一道設計很特別的交叉樓梯, 絕對是咖啡店裝潢的亮點。
Push Cafe, Taichung, Taiwan

Cup Gaze cafe

I really like this cafe, sitting by the window and gazing at the many movie posters inside.  This cafe is a bit more spacious than others and has a big table great for working, or just to spend an afternoon chilling out like I did.
這裏環境非常舒適,店面比一般咖啡店大得多。 無論坐在窗前沙發輕鬆到過一個下午,或是在大桌上工作也非常合適。
Cup Gaze Cafe, Taichung Taiwan

Orsir Cafe

This is a very professional cafe and the baristas are very knowledgeable in everything about coffee.  The hold regular classes where you can learn all you need to know about coffee and beans. Of course, learning coffee is a bit too technical for me so I just sat down and appreciated what the barista recommended.


這絕對是一家很專業的咖啡店,經常會開辦教授品嚐咖啡的課程。 我對咖啡絕對是一個門外漢, 最好就是讓咖啡師為我選擇合適的飲料慢慢品嚐。
Osir Cafe, Taichung Taiwan

That’s all for this edition of my favourite cafes part 3. I’ll be back next time with some more of my favourite cafes in Taichung. In the meanwhile, if you’re ever in Taichung, or want to find out more about any of the cafes I’ve reviewed, you can check out my map below. It will take you to the location and additional information for each cafe.