Making Ai Yu  台灣獨有的美食愛玉

Making Ai Yu 台灣獨有的美食愛玉

27th June 2019 0 By livinguktaiwan


Recently I posted about a trip to a waterfall in Taiwan. The waterfall is about 15 minutes walk away from the car park. If you haven’t seen my video about the waterfall yet, I hope you will check it out as it is absolutely magically on this rainy day.


蓬萊瀑布離開停車場大概要走十五分鐘。 而在停車場旁有一家小店賣當地土產,可以吃午餐,和台灣獨有的飲料愛玉。 店裏的小哥兒是老闆的兒子,今年剛大學畢業在家裏工作做生意。 小哥兒很健談, 我們在聊天而他又教我如何預備愛玉。 最後,我在影片中會示範如何品嚐者這台灣獨有的美食。

There’s a store by the car park that sells locally made produce, serves lunch and a special drink called Ai Yu. This is a special local dessert only found in Taiwan, and is made of seeds which you have to scrap off the pod. The pod below is smaller than my palm and the bag on the right are the seeds. I bought this from the store for a friend back in UK as it is very difficult to find fresh Ai Yu pods outside of Taiwan especially in UK.

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The ai yu is like jelly and here they have added some grass seeds to it. I’m not sure what type of grass, but probably not the type that you guys are thinking of as I didn’t feel anything after I had it ^_^. Anyway I’ll show you how it is consumed the normal ai yu way. I’ll also show you some of the local produce sold at the store.

In my video, the kid – actually he’s the owners’s son who just graduated from university this year and is now working at the family business , but he’s still a kid to me – showed me how to prep Ai Yu. We had a nice little chat about life up in the mountains for a teenager. I’ve added English sub titles to our conversation so you know what we chatted about. But more importantly, the video gives an insight into this unique dessert only found in Taiwan.

Hope you enjoy the video.


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