British roast dinner 英式烤肉大餐

British roast dinner 英式烤肉大餐

2nd March 2018 0 By livinguktaiwan

Family gatherings at home in UK always involves lots of people and lots of food. Recently when I went home to UK was another one of these gathering which involved 12 people, 3.5kg of beef rib and 5kg of lamb shoulder. I love a good roast, and if you’re a Brit, who doesn’t?
我的家庭聚餐通常都包含很多人和食物。像最近回老家英國時的英式烤肉晚餐就有 12人,3.5公斤牛骨排和5公斤羊肩。

Let me show you our dinner. First up are the two lamb shoulders, prepared Jamie Oliver style (that’s where I first saw it). Fresh rosemary and whole garlic cloves are snugged into little slits in the meat and then seasoned with salt and olive oil.

Next is the beef rib. This needs to be flash fried on the outside to seal in the flavour while it roasts. The beef is a beautiful cut so no seasoning is required at all. From the size of the spatula you can see how big the bad boy is.

Both cuts needs to be roasted for three hours. So in the meanwhile we have to prep the veggies. We have roast potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, brussel sprouts and parsnip. Parsnip is a delicious root vegetable with a sweet woody fragrant, I don’t think it’s available in Asia. Certainly none of my friends from Hong Kong have heard of it, and its always a big hit with them. I always have it when I have a roast.

Fast forward three and a bit hours, the roast are cooked. Don’t you just want to dive in?


Here’s my brother and brother in law carving the meat.

Finally it’s time for dinner. Delicious food is a must for a good dinner, but there is one even more important thing, and that is the company. I couldn’t ask for more. Bon appetit.
