A very special Christmas in Taiwan 在台灣不一樣的聖誕節

A very special Christmas in Taiwan 在台灣不一樣的聖誕節

27th December 2019 4 By livinguktaiwan

Last weekend I spent a very special Christmas with the indigenous tribe in central Taiwan. Their Christmas service starts at 4am, followed by walk around a village and a spectacular firework display. Considering the tribe population is less than 400 in this village, and that Christmas is not even a public holiday in Taiwan, this was nothing short of a very special Christmas in Taiwan.

今年在信義鄉豐丘村,跟布農族村民過了一個很不一樣的聖誕節。 不是信徒的我從來都未試過報佳音, 想不到第一次就在台灣山區, 是清晨四點開始喔! 報佳音之後還有精彩的煙火表演。 豐丘村的布農族村民不足400人,而聖誕節在台灣並不是假期, 原來在台灣要過一個充滿聖誕氣氛的聖誕節也可以喔!