5 Steem from Steemit

5 Steem from Steemit

1st October 2018 3 By livinguktaiwan

Some of you may be aware that I blog on another platform called Steemit where bloggers are rewarded with a crypto currency called Steem.  I have written about it in the past.

I know there are still people who are skeptical of anything related to crypto currency, and so was I at first.  Then I thought I had nothing to lose as I was blogging on WordPress anyway.  I have been blogging on Steemit for over a year now, and am pleased to say that so far nothing bad has happened to me, financially nor personally.  In fact, I haven’t done any detail calculations, but I think my average payout definitely exceeds USD10 per post this year.

Recently, Steemit has started a project to increase awareness of the platform to non users, and to demonstrate what we can do with 5 Steem which equates to just under USD5.  I took part in this project and made a video to show what I could buy in Taiwan with 5 Steem.

I hadn’t plan to make the video on this particular evening. It was a last minute decision when I went for a stroll in the park and saw a food stall making some traditional Taiwanese snacks called Champion Cakes. I think the making of the snack is really fascinating, all it takes is 15 seconds.  There were a couple of buskers in the park and I thought all that would make a rather nice video. So if you’re not interested in the actual project itself, that’s fine, but do check out how they make the snack, it is rather amazing.

This video can be found on my youtube channel

And my Instagram page

The voice over in parts of the video might be a bit low as it was quite noisy in the park, and the introduction part is a bit dim so please excuse me for that. In order to make up for this, I’ve included a couple of clips from the busker. One is a very popular Chinese song called “Special love for special you” and the other is “Top of the World”. Enjoy!!!