擔飯擔 Dan Fan Dan

擔飯擔 Dan Fan Dan

12th February 2017 0 By livinguktaiwan

初一在台中過了一個很平靜的新年,十五卻在台南過了一個既有特式又很傳統及非常熱鬧的元宵。Chinese New Year day for me in Taichung was very quiet, yet the end of the Chinese New Year festival which traditionally finishes on the 15th was a very special and eventful day in Tainan.

擔飯擔是台南大坑尾村一個超過百年歷史的傳統節目。從前只有6戶人家到現在整條村105戶人家每年都參與這個節目。這個慶典現在甚至被台南市政府設定為文化資產活動。村民會在家裏煮一大盤古早味的傳統鹹飯及其他餸菜,然後浩浩蕩蕩用竹籃擔到村內的聖母宮前跟大家一起分享。當天午餐我猜有超過一千人到訪,連台南市市長也來頒授證狀給村民,還跟大家一起品嚐這美味的擔飯擔。Dan Fan Dan (擔飯擔) is a tradition over a hundred years old in the village of Dakeng Wei. It started off with only six families and has now grown to an annual event involving the entire 105 families from the village. So much that it was recognised by Tainan City government as a traditional culture event this year. Each family cooks a massive bowl of traditional savoury rice and another dish, and carries them to the village temple in bamboo baskets on their shoulders for everyone to enjoy. The lunch was attended by probably over a thousand people, and the City Mayor who came to award the certification of recognition to the village.

廟宇在台灣人生活中,尤其是鄉村地區是日常不可缺少的一部分。所以很多時廟宇有特別慶典,其他廟宇也會帶同他們廟裡的神靈一起來慶祝。神靈出門都自備很華麗的坐駕,有些甚至需要八個人才可以抬起來。有朋自遠方來聖母宮當然要燒鞭炮迎接他們到訪。Temples are an integral part of people’s life in Taiwan, especially in the rural area and it is customary for the Gods from other temples to visit one another on special occasions. Each of them have their own special carriage for going out, and the large ones needed eight people to carry it. The host temple even put on fire cracker display to welcome their guests.

下午時段有多項表演節目包括其他廟宇來的舞獅及打鼓助慶,村裏居民的武術表演,還有台灣廟宇慶典不可缺少的辣妹鋼管舞。In the afternoon, there was a series of celebratory performances. This included lion dance and drums from other temples, martial arts performance from the locals, and the famous pole dance often seen at temple events in Taiwan.

表演完畢村民馬上預備桌子吃晚飯。晚上的擔飯擔仍然有村民煮的鹹飯及各類形的湯。雖然大家也是煮鹹飯,但每家人用的材料也有些不同,各有風味,連吃兩餐也不覺膩。晚上較下午少人但仍然非常熱鬧,我在場內像吃到飽(自助餐)般嘗試不同的湯,包括有豬腳湯,肉丸湯,鮮筍湯及魚丸湯,全部都很美味。As soon as the martial arts performance finished, the villagers all rushed to set up the tables for dinner and very soon we were tucking into freshly cooked home made food again. Dinner included the traditional savoury rice and many different types of soup. Although each family cooks the same traditional rice recipe, they all have slightly different ingredients and flavour, so having it two same meals in a row didn’t seem a bore at all. There were slightly less people than lunch and I managed to wander around the tables and tried out four different types of soup including pig trotters, fish balls, fresh bamboo shoots and meatballs, which were all extremely delicious.

大坑尾雖然不算很大,但村裡男女老少都很踴躍參與這項慶典。村民除了準備在地食材,還要一大清早開始烹調飯菜。他們同時非常慷慨,歡迎任何人參與,好讓更多人可以跟他們分享這活動。Dakeng Wei isn’t particularly big, but I loved how everyone got involved in making sure the event was a success. The villagers not only provided the locally sourced ingredients, they also started work early in the morning to prepare the meal. They were exceptionally generous in welcoming everyone including those not from the village to allow people to experience this wonderful event. I’m sure many like myself felt the warmth on one of the coldest day in Taiwan.