我的問題 My problem

6th February 2017 0 By livinguktaiwan

由於聖誕節和旅行,我已差不多兩個月沒有上書法課,但是我一直在家裡很努力練習。儘管如此,我總是覺得沒有什麼進步,寫出來的字還是有點不對。Due to Christmas and holidays, I haven’t been to any Chinese calligraphy classes for nearly two months.  Having said that, I have been practising at home.  Despite my efforts, I felt I wasn’t making much progress, and the words just didn’t look right.


最後我認為我發現了原因,毛筆用了好幾個月,筆尖開始分叉,所以字寫得不好。正所謂工欲善其事,必先利其器。這說話沒有錯啊。於是今天上課我把毛筆給老師看。In the end I think I figured out what the problem was.  The tip of my pen was starting to split, and they do say you need the right tools to do a good job.  It made perfect sense.  At class today I showed the teacher my pen.

我 : 老師,我覺得我需要一只新毛(還謙虛地加一句),還是我的問題啊?
老師 : (看毛筆一眼,然後望著我),問題是你啊!毛筆非常好!

Me : Teacher, I think I need a new pen, (and just to be polite) or do you think the problem is with me?
Teacher : (took one look at the pen) The problem is with you! The pen is perfect.

Woops! Time to work harder.