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31st December 2016 0 By livinguktaiwan


This morning I woke to the alarm, saw 31 Dec on the watch face and immediately had an urge to to grab hold of this day not wanting to let it past. I don’t know if its because 2016 was quite a big change for me, or if it’s I’ve just spent ten fantastic days touring Taiwan with my family, or whether it’s the thought of knowing the chances of seeing 31 Dec reduces as I grow old.

自我9歲開始就因為各種不同原因,每十年左右就從英國跟香港來來回回居住。2016可算是最大的改變。這次沒有回到香港,卻來到臺灣,更選擇放自己一個悠長假期 (說提早退休似乎變得很老)。只靠積蓄過活,是有點兒風險,尤其是英國脫歐後已蒸發了10%積蓄(對,我還很怒氣噢!)。但我非常幸運有機會可以有這個決定。畢竟人生短短數十年,其間我們又有多少次機會可以控制自己命運,而不是被命運牽著走?


Ever since I was 9, I’ve been living back and forth between UK and Hong Kong,moving every dacade or so due to different reasons. The 2016 move is probably the most drastic, moving to Taiwan instead of Hong Kong, and taking an extended career break  (early retirement sounds so old ).  It was, and still is a risk, living off savings particular since it has devalued by 10% since Brexit (yes, I still hold a grudge against it ). Nonetheless, it was a risk I was ready to take and glad I did.  Afterall, how often do you get a chance to take control of your life rather than the other way round ?

Now lets see what 2017 has in store for me.